(L-R) LaSalle’s Brian Klinksiek, Heidi Hannah, Kyra Spotte-Smith and Chris Psaras discuss real estate market rebalancing. Want to read more?
We regularly receive questions about past property market dislocations and what they might tell us about today, such as: Is office the new retail?, Will the 7+ years it took retail to rebalance be a template for office? and Should we be worried about the wave of supply in US apartments?
In our latest ISA Focus report, Rebalancing past and present, we engage in patten recognition across a range of historical episodes of occupier market challenges. We present a framework for how these imbalances tend to be resolved, and discuss the range of structural and cyclical factors that drive rebalancing. We also present a selection of historical case studies from around the world, highlighting the complex nature of the rebalancing process and how it can occur not only at different speeds, but also with “bumps in the road” for investors.
We conclude the report with a refresh of our ISA Focus: Revisiting the future of office, noting in particular that there will be specific investment opportunities that arise as the current rebalancing cycle plays out.
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Feb 01, 2025
Private Debt Investor: Keeping pace with evolving markets
LaSalle’s David White and Craig Oram provide insights on navigating the evolving real estate debt markets in the US and Europe.